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how to dress the plus size rectangle body shape 

the rectangle body shape is, when your shoulders abdomen ,chest,and hips are all the same size ,the rectangular body is one of the body types for wich there are wonderful, quick and also daily ways to make you appear more elegant and beautiful by choosing the clothes for this body. Whether on occasions, at work, or on travel.

On this article I will tell you about easy and the best ways to dress plus size rectangle body shape and how to dress the shape with tummy ,rectangle body shape and the rectangle body shape outfit

how to dress the plus size rectagle body shape on occasions:

on any ocasions you can wear for Rectangle body shape outfits somthing  make you look more elegant and beauty you can wear 

       Dress : v-neek dress this type of dress make you look slimmer , if the dress have something ,if the dress contains anything at the waist, this will make you appear more elegant if you have rectangle body.Make sure that the dress contains a belt around the waist or anything that shows the waist.If you have rectangle doby shape you can wear the dress that have broad sholders or anything that shows the sholders is make you very elegant and beautiful

Jumpsuit: feminine look alse make you appear very elegant, for those with a rectangle body, you can add a belt t your waist with jumpsuit and  also waer wear the jumpsuit that shows the waist area or has wide shoulders

How to dress plus size rectangle body shape for work

Choosing daily clothes, such as work is very important, you just have to follow the stepsand avoid some mistakes in coordinating clothes . I will also tell you about how to appear elegant avery day. 


Blazer: is very beautiful for rectangle body shape if you are petit wear a blazer short

Shirts or blouse: if you want waer blouse or shirt to look elegant you can choose colors but you mst choose two different colors dark or  two different colors light.

rectangle body shape with tummy:


if you have tummy body shape there is no problem because I will tell you about ideas can help you because I have the same problem and I did this tips and it’s halpe me very much

the shirts:

The black shirts: if you have have black shirt make sure is not sticke to your body, you can wear it with any thing but make sure the pants or the skirt dark color because you have rectangle body shape.
Shirt with vertical stripes
When you wear this type of shirt you can hid your tummy if you are rectangle body shape or apple and this type can help you very well to hid your tummy because it places the focus around the shoulder erea
you can wear your jacket or any jacket with shirt because is very help you to hide your tummy especially if you have a shirt that does not hide the tummy at all, wear it with cardigan or jacket, it will help you to hide your tummy.
The dresses
If you have dress make sure the dress not stick on your body avoide any dress like that and wear the A-shaped dress because is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top or you can wear dresses with shoulder details is very good on you or the

Dress with wide shoulders or vertical striped dresses.